Meet our pastor and deacon teams

Our pastoral and deacon teams are passionate about connecting people to Jesus.  We are here to serve Christ and serve our community.

Glad Tidings Church Pastoral Team

Lou Shelton

Associate Pastor - Finance and Facilities
Lou Shelton serves as Glad Tiding's finance pastor.  She ensures all the ministries are fully functional and guides financial operations.

Gary Cook

Associate Pastor - Spiritual Life
Pastor Gary Cook has served on Glad Tiding's pastoral team for the last 2 years.  Pastor Gary leads our prayer and altar ministry as well as providing leadership and pastoral care to our ministry leaders.

Mike Biggs

Associate Pastor - Pastoral Care/Visitation
Pastor Mike Biggs provides frontline chaplain services for Glad Tiding's family and friends.  He coordinates hospital and home visitation for those who are in need of a little extra TLC.

Garrett Gibson

Associate Pastor - Evangelism and Missions
Pastor Garrett has served at Glad Tidings since June of 2022.  He coordinates our 12 Steps Program and helps our fellowship stay connected with and bless our missionaries both local and overseas.

Glad Tidings Church Deacon Team

Troy Jerrils

Board Secretary
Troy Jerrils has been a part of Glad Tidings since 2006. He works in the field of finance/investment and is a tremendous help to our
fellowship. Troy serves on our Deacon Board as our Board Secretary and helps with much
of the building maintenance projects around our church. Troy also facilitates our Safety Team here at Glad Tidings, helping provide
safe environments as our church meets together for worship, fellowship, and growth.

Lou Shelton

Board Treasurer
Lou Shelton has been a part of Glad Tidings for the past 17 years. She has a passion for biblical
stewardship and organization as the body of Christ fulfills its mission in our community. Lou facilitates operations, administration, and finance at Glad Tidings. Presently, Lou also serves on Glad Tidings’ Deacon Board as treasurer. Lou
works tirelessly to help our fellowship accomplish
the God-given goals and vision placed into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

Marlin Gooding

Leadership Care
Marlin Gooding has been a part of Glad Tidings since 1985. Marlin’s day job is working for Red Gold. He serves on our Deacon Board as our Leadership Care Deacon, helping care for our leaders so they might thrive in ministry. He has served in various capacities over the years and has done so faithfully. Marlin has a passion for the strength and health of the local church and desires that our local body

Ivan Cole

Building and Grounds
Ivan Cole has been a part of Glad Tidings since Fall of 2019. He has worked with the gas company and has recently started MadCo Excavating. Ivan joined the Deacon
Board last year and now serves as our Building and Grounds Director. Ivan also helps on our safety team.